Many of us enjoy a good run outside of the gym - but often neglect a thorough warm-up, thinking that we can tie up our shoe laces and be ready to hit the road! The truth is, asking your body to run without any prior activation of the major role-playing muscle groups is a quick way incur injuries (small, and big!). The good news? Prepping your body takes five minutes, saving you from future troubles and helping to accelerate your fitness goals.
Here is a pre-run warm-up that's perfect to include before taking your body out on the road, or into the trails. (see video below)
Calf raises - 20 reps
Leg swings - 20 per side
Heel walks - 20 alternating steps
Knee drives - 10 per side
Kneeling kickbacks - 10 per side
Crossbody superman - 10 per side
Glute bridges - 20 reps
Standing side flexions - 20 alternating reps
Back and throughs - 20 reps